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Vintage Light

Vintage design refers to an item of another era that holds important and recognizable value.

Vintage Sofa

This style can be applied to interior design, decor and other areas.

Vintage Table

Vintage design is popular and vintage items have risen in price.


Outlets of vintage design have shifted from thrift store to shabby chic stores

Vintage Sofa

The Vintage style has born in France and quickly spread over many art areas – music, fashion, and interior design.

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Rubber Spatula

This tool is vital for baking especially and also for working with all sorts of semi-solid substances.

Rolling Pin

If you don’t bake, you don’t need a rolling pin. But then again, if you do bake, a rolling pin is super-helpful.

Food Processor

When you need to quickly chop or blend things to make a sauce, a food processor will save you a lot of time and hassle.

Stand Mixer

A stand mixer is another vital electric tool to have in your kitchen equipment arsenal.

Stock pot

Some believe that a stock pot isn’t entirely necessary; this couldn’t be further from the truth.

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A cookbook is a kitchen reference containing recipes and this app is exactly the same.

Cutting Board

A cutting board (or chopping board) is a durable board on which to place material for cutting.

Nesting Set

One of the most important things on that list is a nesting set — a series of different-sized bowls.

Measuring cup

You need to measure things in the kitchen, especially if you aren’t a master chef quite yet

off-set spatula

This tool is great for all things breakfast and also for sautéing vegetables. It’s an all-purpose utensil that cooks and flips everything with aplomb.

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The most important thing to pack for your travels is your passport. You won't get very far without it.

Flower Shirt

Remember to take a mix of light layers and warm layers for your trip (depending where you're going).

Waterproof Mac

A waterproof mac with a hood will be your saviour during your trip.

Walking Shoes

If you'll be doing a lot of walking or hiking then make sure to pack some good quality walking shoes.

Sleeping Bag

A sleeping bag is always handy to have - especially if you're a bit of a germaphobe.

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When it comes to packing, the best way to pack a backpack is to save space. Our top tip is to fold your clothes efficiently. Remember: Heavy stuff at the bottom, stuff that leaks goes in plastic bags and things you’ll need as soon as you arrive at your destination (like toiletries) at the top.

Woody Spoon

Wooden spoons are generally preferred for cooking because of their versatility.

Recipe Book

Cookbook, collection of recipes, instructions, and information about the preparation and serving of foods.

Measure Cup

When baking, the most basic equipment you need is measuring cups and spoons.


Branding is absolutely critical to a business because of the overall impact it makes on your company

New Customers

Strong branding generally means there is a positive impression of the company amongst consumers


When an employee works for a strongly branded company, they will be more satisfied with their job.


A professional appearance and well-strategised branding will help the company build trust with consumers, potential clients and customers.

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This can be simple like a diagram, physical model, or picture, or complex like a set of calculus equations, or computer program. The main types of scientific model are visual, mathematical, and computer models.